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Week 11 Scores

Week 11
			DMFL Week # 11

Even with the rain on Wednesday we were able to play 3 games in the Durham 
Men's Fastball League 2024.

Wednesday 8:30 Game # 31 Knights(2) @ Wranglers(1)

Knight's pitcher PJ Foucault surrendered 4 runs in  three innings of work. 
Clayton Robinson relieved P.J. who was injured with 3 innings of shutout 
ball but the Knights were beaten by the Wranglers 4 - 2.
Bobby Lewis gave up 2 runs on 7 hits and his defense played well behind 
him for the victory.

WP Bobby Lewis 7ip, 2r, 1er, 7h, 1bb, 5k, 29bf.
Matt Dasilva   2/3, trp. 1r, 1rbi
Albert Spena   1/2, 2r, 1bb, 1e, 1rbi 
John Karmazyn  1/3, 1k, 1e, 1rbi
Dave Bradley   0/1, 1r, 1bb

LP PJ Foucault      3ip, 4r, 4h, 4bb, 3k, 1hbp, 18bf
RP Clayton Robinson 3ip, 0r, 0h, 0bb, 4k, 11bf
Clayton Robinson    2/2, dbl, 1r, 1e
Dan Keith           2/3
Greg Horne          1/2
PJ Foucault         1/2
Joe Dyce            1/3, 1k
Layne O'Halloran    1r
Thursday 6:30 Game # 32 Knights(2T) @ Bombers(5)
Layne O'Halloran drove similar pitches twice over the right centre field 
fence off Bomber pitcher Ryan Swift and led his team to a 7 - 2 win. 
Swift struck out 12 batters but 3 errors resulted in only 3 runs being earned.

WP Bobby Lewis     7ip, 2r, 5h, 4bb, 1k, 28bf
Layne O'Halloran   2/3, 2hr, 2r, 2rbi, 1e
Truen Russel       2/3, 2r, 1k
Albert Spena       2/4, 1bb, 1k, 1e, 1rbi
Terry Challis      1/3, `1r
Greg Horne         1/3, 2k
Dan Keith          0/3, 2r, 1bb, 1e 

LP Ryan Swift   7ip, 7r, 3er, 8h, 2hr, 2bb, 12k, 33bf
Austin Mullen   1/2, dbl, 1r, 1bb 
Tyler Postil    1/2, 1r, 1bb
James Hurlburt  1/3, 2rbi
Matt Swift      1/3, 1bb
Taylor O'Leary  1/3
Thursday 8:30 Game # 33 Guns(2T) @ Ravens(4)
It was 2 - 1 bottom of six when the Guns scored 4 to move to 6-1. 
In the 7th inning the Ravens came up short on a comeback attempt 
as they scored 3 to make the final 6-4 Guns. The Ravens had a 
problem with clutch hits as they stranded 15. 

WP Kevin (Nutty) Ford 7ip, 4r, 12h, 5bb, 1k, 40bf
Rory Milne            2/3, dbl, 2r, 1bb
Shawn Jones           2/3, 1bb, 1rbi
Jeff Costanzi         2/4, 2r, 1e
Jay Larcombe          1/3, 1bb, 2k, 3rbi
Layne O'Halloran      1/3, 1k, 1rbi
Mike Goulburn         1/3, 1k

LP Brian Mather 6ip, 6r, 4er, 9h, 3bb, 8k, 31bf
Matt Hall       3/4, 1r, 1rbi
Sam Maksymk     2/3, dbl, 2r, 1bb
Ken Sherman     2/4
Albert Spena    1/2, 2bb, 1rbi
Brian Mather    1/3, 1bb
Terry Bowles    1/3, 1rbi
Adam Trim       1/3, 1bb
Marshal Kewin   1/4, 1rbi
Dave Kewin      1/4, dbl
Ted Kociesza    0/4, 1r
All games at Alexandra Park, Oshawa on Wednesday 8:30 and Thursday 6:30 and 8:30.

For next weeks games and more info go to dmfl.org
Courtesy Mal Swift and John Mather
See you next week.    

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