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Week 10 Scores

Week 10
			Game 28 - Wednesday 17/07/24 8:30

This was a match up of the Bombers(5) vs Knights(2). The Bombers were able to 
count 7 runs in the first three innings on 2 three run homers by Nav Seelochand 
and Taylor O"Leary. Bomber's  tandem pitchers of Chris Ramoutar and Ryan Swift 
gave up a run each as the Knights fell 9 - 2 final.

WP Chris Ramoutar      3ip, 1r, 1h, 1bb, 3k, 1hp, 13bf
RP  Ryan Swift              4ip, 1r, 4h, 2bb, 5k, 18bf

Matt Swift             3/4, dbl, 2r
Navin Seelochand       2/4, hr, 1rbi
Taylor O'Leary         1/3, hr, 1r, 1bb, 2k, 3rbi
Ryan Swift             1/3, 1r, 1bb, 2rbi
Chris Ramoutar         1/3, dbl
Jeff Drinkle           1/3, 1r, 2k
Jeremy Knight          1/4, 2r, 1k, 1e

LP Hudson Campeau     2ip, 7r, 6h, 2hr, 2bb, 1k, 15bf
RP Clayton Robinson   5ip, 2r, 1er, 3h, 10k, 20bf

Terry Challis         1/2, dbl, 1r, 1bb, 1e
Scott Perry           1/3, dbl
Xavier Campeau        1/1, 1bb
Joe Dyce              1/3, 2k
PJ Foucault           1/3, 1rbi, 1e
Dan Keith             0/3, 1k, 1rbi


Game 29 -Thursday 18/07/24 -6:30 Guns @ Bombers

This was the opposite of the Bombers win on Wednesday night when the Guns scored 4
runs off of Bomber starter Matt Swift in his first start of the year. 
Ryan Swift relieved for the Bombers and was touched up for 5 runs on 5 hits and a 
Gun's Kevin Ford threw well and went the distance with 11 hits and the Bombers 
stranded 11 on base.  Final Guns 9 - Bombers 3.

Kevin Ford        7ip, 3r, 11h, 3bb, 2k, 35bf

Rory Milne        2/2, 2r, 1bb
Rob Parsells      2/2, 2r
Jeff Corstanzi    1/2, 1r, 1bb
Jay Larcombe      1/3, dbl, 1k
Brad Morton       1/3, 2k, 2rbi
Tristan Wilcox    1/3, 1r, 2k
Illia Bozinouski  1/3, 1r, 2k
Mark Thompson     1/3,1r
Shawn Jones       1/3, 2k

SP Matt Swift     2.1ip, 4r, 6h, 2bb, 2k, 15bf
LP Ryan Swift     4.2ip, 5r, 5h,1bb, 11k, 20bf

James Hurlburt    3/3, 2dbl, 1rbi
Ryan Swift        2/4, 1r, 1bb
Matt Swift        2/4
Jeff Drinkle      1/3, 1r
Taylor O'Leary    1/3, 1r,1bb, 1rbi
Kyle Wingrove     1/4, 1r
Jeremy Knight     1/4


Game 30 Thursday  18/07/24  8:30  Wranglers @ Ravens

Wranglers started early as they scored 6 runs in the 2nd inning and that seemed 
to take the wind out of the Ravens sails. Final score Ravens 9 - Ravens 0. 
Wrangler's  Bobby Lewis twirled a 1 hitter.

WP Bobby Lewis     4ip, 0r, 1h, 1hp, 14bf

Albert Spena        2/2, 2r
Steve Visser        2/2, 1r, 3rbi
Jordan Mitts        2/2, 1r, 1rbi
Jay Best            2/3, 1r
Will Macavelia      1/1,1r, 2bb, 1rbi
Bobby Lewis         1/2, 1r
Dave Bradley        1/2, 2rbi

LP Scott Evans      2ip, 6r, 6h, 2bb, 14bf
RP Blair McBratney  2ip, 3r, 5h, 2bb, 1k, 13bf

Marshall Kewin        1/1


For next week's games and further info please see dmfl.org 
All games are at Alexandra Park, Oshawa, by Lakeridge Hospital

Courtesy John Mather and Mal Swift

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