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Week 15 Scores

Week 15

Wednesday 21/08/24 Game # 43 8:30  Wranglers(1) vs Knights(2)

Wrangler's Bobby Lewis scattered 7 hits over 5 innings and the Knight's pitchers 
could not control the Wrangler's batters as the Wrangler's mercied the Knights 
14 - 1. Ten hits given up by Knight's pitchers PJ Foucault and Hudson Compeau 
wasn't too bad but the 10 walks surrendered usually results in a high score.  
Final Wranglers 14 - Knights 1.

WP Bobby Lewis  5ip, 7h, 0bb, 5k, 20bf

Austin Mullen   3/4, 1r, 1k, 2rbi
Jordan Mitts    2/2, dbl, hr, 3r, 2bb, 5rbi
Bobby Lewis     2/3, 1r, 1bb
Albert Spena    1/1, 2r, 1bb, 1hbp
Jay Best        1/3, 2r, 1bb, 1rbi 
Tim Mathers     1/3, 1k


LP   PJ Foucault    3ip, 5r, 4h, 6bb, 2k, 1wp, 19bf
RP  Hudson Campeau  2ip, 9r, (8er). 6h, 1hr, 4bb, 4k, 1wp, 18bf

Hudson Campeau      2/2, trp
Trevor Wilhelm      1/2, 1r
Kevin Negro         1/2, 1k
PJ Foucault         1/2, 1k
Dan Keith           1/3
Greg Horne          1/3, 1k


Thursday 22/08/24 6:30  Game #44 Guns(3) vs Wranglers(1)

Two home runs each by the Gun's Illia Bouvanouski and Tristan Wilcox were great 
but their big games fell short of the Wranglers as as they lost 9 - 7.

WP Bobby Lewis    7ip, 7r, 7h, 4hr, 3bb, 6k, 33bf

Austin Mullen     3/4, 2r, 2rbi
Will Macavelia    3/4, 3rbi
PJ Foucault       2/2, dbl, hr, 2r, 1bb. 4rbi
Albert Spena      1/2, 1r, 1bb


LP Kevin Ford      6ip, 9r, 9h, 1hr, 7bb, 2k, 37bf

Rory Milne         3/4, 1r
Illia Bovanouski   2/3, 2hr, 2r, 1bb, 4rbi
Tristan Wilcox     2/3, 2hr, 2r, 2rbi
Brandon Costanzi   1/2, dbl, 2r, 1bb, 2k
Kevin Ford         1/3


Thursday 22/08/24 8:30 Game #45  Bombers(4) vs Ravens(5)
The Bombers had a 2 - 1 lead after 5 innings.  But the 3rd time through their 
lineup they caught fire and sent 11 batters to the plate in the 6th inning and 
exploded with 7 runs on 8 hits.

WP Ryan Swift     6ip, 1r, 4h, 13k, 22bf

Kyle Wingrove     2/2, dbl, 1r, 1bb, 3rbi
Ryan Swift        2/2, 2r, 1bb
Taylor O'Leary    1/2, 2r, 1bb
Jeff Drinkle      1/2, dbl, 1r, 1bb, 1rbi
Nolan Swift       1/3, trp, 2k, 1rbi
James Hurlburt    1/3, dbl, 1r, 1rbi
Chris Ramoutar    1/3, 1r, 1rbi
Mark Allen        1/3, dbl, 1k, 1rbi


LP   Brian Mather 6ip, 9r, 10h, 5bb, 7k, 34bf

Carter Clarke     1/2, dbl, 1r
Ted Kocieska      1/2, 1rbi
Brain Mather      1/2, dbl, 1k
Dave Kewin        1/3, 2k


For further info please go to dmfl.org

Courtesy Mal Swift and John Mather

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